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ÄÒ: îáùàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ, ðåãèñòðàöèÿ


Sally broke John’s heart when she refused to marry him. I am very annoyed with you; it’s about time you minded your own business. I’ll bet that diamond cost a pretty penny. He made this project all alone. I know the money should be in his account. I saw him put it there in person.


I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling her what I really thought. The majority of people prefer to work the regular hours of a nine-to-five- job. Jack has a yellow streak in his character; he is afraid of his enemies and never defends his friends. Your skin is as smooth as silk. I don’t think much of Jack; he is so absent-minded. He is the best student in the group, beyond all doubt
The garage is still sound as a dollar. Why tear it down?


I’ll just catch forty winks before getting ready for the party. The joke was so funny that I almost died laughing. Jenny has been under a cloud of depression since her parrot escaped. I’ll catch a plane and be there before you can say Jack Robinson. She comes into this store every day, as regular as clockwork. The whole deal stinks. It’s as phony as a three-dollar bill. I am a night owl and my husband is an early bird. All right, I’ll come clean. Here is the whole story. If you really become famous, people will beat a path to your door. She cleaned the windowpane until it was clear as crystal.


Alec is a man-about-town and a good mixer; he likes to mess around. The children brewed an evil plot to get revenge on their teacher. I don’t want you to do it against your will. Henry's bride is an impudent baggage.ü I am dead drunk. I have drunk five beers with no food. My brother sits glued to the idiot box all day long. I have been very busy lately with not a moment to spare. I can’t help you with it. You’ll just have to carry your cross. Nancy was the ugly duckling in her family, until she grew up.


During the fire the homeowner was cool as a cucumber. The picture was so big; and even a very short-sighted person can see it with a naked eye. I think I should brush up on my Spanish before I go to Mexico. Be careful with that glass vase. Easy does it! It doesn’t make any difference to me if they will invite me to stay with them or not. I came home late that night and found my parents in the land of Nod. Felicity and David went out year after year until they finally got married.

"Do be serious for just five minutes! After all, it is a matter of life and death. I decided to return the favor to Miss Abramson who had been taking care of my cat when I had been away on holiday. The tailor made a suit for the boy out of the odds and ends of the cloth. Rumors are in the air. After this work I am all in. Tom has finally broken off with Mary.



The car radio was on full blast. Your lives are therefore, as a rule, shorter, not so much by natural death as by indirect suicide. We couldn’t hear what the driver was saying. I was so frightened that I blacked out for a minute. We accepted her story as true beyond the shadow of a doubt.


We were watching television when all of a sudden the electricity went off. A little bird told me that my Mom would give me a nice present for my birthday. If you want to teach young children, you must be as patient as Job. I always wear my best bib and tucker on Sundays. Mary won’t believe that I have a dog until she sees him. She’s such a doubting Thomas. The baby clouded up and let out a howl. The company seems respectable enough, but there’s a lot of dirty work that goes on.


Sally showed up at our door bag and baggage one Sunday morning. It was do or die. There was no turning back now. Jacob is a know-it-all that’s why I don’t think much of him. The methods that the firm has chosen to cut expenses are quick and dirty. The big moment has come. I will now announce the winner. It is believed that variety is the spice of life and I think it is true. I’ve been working on my thesis for two years, and at last I’m beginning to see daylight.



Sally set her bag for Tom, but all in vain. Sally, with all her wonderful ideas, is a breath of fresh air. Jesus Christ, they had it all along, they just didn't use it! Goddamnit.

It was Dutch courage that made the football fan attack the policeman. It is no bed of roses to be unemployed and not to be able to support the family. He has been talking a long time. I wish he would come to the point. Alas, my friend, the boast is poor. As political tension increased, it became more and more apparent that war was coming, as sure as death.


We had to call the doctor to help dry Mr. Franklin out. The boss had once spoken to Jerry about being late all the time, and he supposed that a word to the wise was enough. I’m getting very tired of the daily grind. Why don't you get up on the chandelier with your parents and I'll take a picture? The cost of renting a car at that place is daylight robbery.



Mary broke a dining-room window and had to face the music when her father got home. I’ve got to get to work if I’m going to bring home the bacon.


We’d better have a big meal ready by the time Tommy gets home; he’s always hungry as a hunter after soccer practice. In vain George was trying to add up the figures, but they just wouldn’t add up. After I call the roll, please open your books to page 12. Sarah is a bit behind the times.


Her clothes are quite old-fashioned. I asked for an explanation, and all I got was your ridiculous cock-and-bull story!And there I was on the operating table, hovering between life and death. “Have you been cheating on me?” cried Mrs. Franklin. The children were chilled to the bone in the unheated room.



The lightening struck a tree in the garden; it happened quick as a flash. The police bottled up the traffic while they searched the cars for the thieves. I appeared wearing my cap and gown, but I had shorts on underneath because it gets so hot at that time of year. The trouble with Tom is that he’s a big frog in a small pond. He needs more competition. Whenever there is a holiday, we are all as busy as bees getting things ready. For the genetically superior, success is easier to attain but is by no means guaranteed.


Saying a word of curse once in a while does nothing. Let me alone, I don't want to talk with you. He tried to say the word on television, but they bleeped it out. I’ve had such a hard day. I’m really dead to the world. The speaker was mincing his words and it was difficult to understand him. Gary was there with his dog and pony show, trying to sell his ideas to whomever would listen to him. John is the ace of aces in his trade, you can trust him.



Wow, I guess this really is a big deal. If you think you can get through college without cracking a book, you’re wrong. Ann is exhausted again. She’s always biting off more than she can chew. My parents told me the facts of life when I was nine years old. I spent all afternoon biting my nails, worrying about you. He started from afar, because it was difficult for him to confess in his feelings. So all my hard work comes to nothing. Tom can’t be trusted. He’s as slippery as an eel.



Since her dog died, Barbara has been down in the mouth. Tom was stealing the car when the police drove by and caught him red-handed. Dr. Anderson was breaking new ground in cancer research. Do you have the medium steak? Enjoy your meal. The prospect of his daughter’s life being spent among lame ducks worried him. TED: Is Bob still in love with Jane? BILL: No, he’s cooled off a lot. TED: I thought that they were both cooling down. How many times has this house changed hands in the last ten years?



The test was child’s play to her. My husband is as stubborn as a mule. Jeremy is a regular lady killer; he has broken the hearts of a lot of women. Because one time I dated this guy who jacked cars for a living and I did not enjoy living on the edge as much as I thought I would. Julia didn’t like her new jacket and hated her friend to give her a left-handed compliment. Mary was the favorite grandchild until she fell from grace by running away from home.



To serve them French cuisine is like casting one’s pearls before swine. John made an apology for being late.


Do I know a good barber? No one comes to mind right now. Tom is so outgoing. He’s always the first one to break the ice at parties. This one day, we was out walking, like always, and then, just like that, somebody turned off the rain and the sun come out. I’ve been biding my time for years, just waiting for a chance like this. Joanne certainly is well-organized. Her desk is neat as a pin. Fred backed the wrong horse in the budget hearings. The stranger’s clothes were all black as coal.


These little cakes are as sweet as honey. I asked the permission of my boss to leave work ahead of time. My next door neighbors were having a party all night and I could not sleep a wink. I looked all around but I still can't find my keys. John came off second-best in the race.


Mary went as white as a sheet when she heard the news. I sign these applications as a matter of course, hundreds of them. This doesn’t make sense. It’s clear as mud. Living with Pat can’t be a bed of roses, but her husband is always smiling. I can't seem to find my toothbrush, so I'll pick one up when I go out today. Other than that, I'm in good shape.


Tom could do no mo re. He was at his wit’s end. Ann looks like a stupid woman, but she’s a fine person - a real diamond in the rough. I can change my mind if I want to. I don’t have to stick with an idea.


I really like to sit on the porch in the evening, just building castles in the air.
I couldn’t sleep well because people were shouting outside my window all night long. The teacher built a fire under the students, and they really started working.


Everyone is here. Let’s count noses so we can order hamburgers. You live next door to a real live beauty queen. Joanna is a workaholic and has a one-track mind. All she thinks about is her work.




I was so sad that I broke out into tears. If Tom’s hair keeps receding like that, he’ll be bald as a coot by the time he’s thirty. Getting Bob to eat fried chicken is as easy as duck soup. Alan kept an eagle eye upon all Carry’s activities. John gambled away all his fortune and is now completely down-and-out. You were a million miles away while I was talking to you.


Professor Carson had to cancel his class because he was laid up with the flu. Buying a new dress at that price won’t break the bank. Henry acted as if he were above suspicion, but I am sure he is guilty. In the meantime you will be returned to Azkaban.

Bob finally dropped Jane. I don’t know what he saw in her. Hi, old buddy!


Come in and let’s chew the fat. We can’t stop the machine to oil it now. You’ll have to do it on the fly.
He’s so strange that he actually drove his wife crazy. Don’t be a coward; it’s silly of you to be afraid of your own shadow.



After years of blood, sweat, and tears, Timmy finally earned a college degree. Henry’s name is mud now because he got involved in a car fraud. I’m your mother! How can you bite the hand that feeds you? Tom is straight as an arrow. I’d trust him with anything. Amiss and Cora were walking arm in arm in the park.



We’ve fought for so long that we’ve forgotten what the bone of contention is. The project is behind schedule. Very late, in fact. Jason did all to save his bacon.

At times, I wish I had never come here. Sally is down with the flu.


We both fell ill after eating the baked fish. You have very good ideas, John, but you must come down to earth. We can’t possibly afford any of your suggestions. The company needed new blood: new ideas and people to carry out these ideas.


Tell your daughter to stay away from him. He’s a dirty old man and might attack her.
At the back of my mind I hoped that he was alive. If was probably because of the storm that there were many no-shows for a boat trip. My old car came to a bad end. Its engine burned up.
Wow! Todd is really f lying high. Did he discover a gold mine? I feel like shit.


As a matter of fact, John came into the room while you were talking about him. All right now, let’s button our lips and listen to the story. Stay where you are till I come back and be as quiet as a mouse. I almost burst with pride when I was chosen to go up in the space shuttle. The project is behind schedule. Very late, in fact.



The well dressed lady slipped and fell in the gutter, which was funny as a crutch. It was a race against time as I was trying to meet the grant requirements. She is a real bag of wind.
All right, go gambling. Don’t come away empty-handed, though. Jane is always happy and free as a bird.


Sue can figure things out from even the slightest hint. She’s as sharp as a tack. Bill is such a copycat. He bought a coat just like mine. The amateur drama performers played a one-night stand in the park. This stuff just doesn't happen out of the blue. The house is falling to pieces and is not worth a cent.



If you want me to hear you out, I am all ears. Most of the supermarkets in big American cities work around the clock. I know about all the problems, but what is the bottom line? What will happen? When I got married, all my dreams came true. What’s the matter? You’re pale as death!



I do not understand what you are telling me. What are you driving at? Despite Jane’s efforts to imitate the manners of the upper class, the town’s leading families still considered her common as dirt.



If Mary keeps cutting classes, she’ll fail the course. Anne is such a good cook, I can’t help eating everything she makes.

Never mind, it is not so urgent.



Stella acted high and mighty that’s why no one liked her. My kitchen floor is bright as a new pin since I started using this new floor wax. Hillary wants to lose weight, so she works out in the gym two hours every day. Derek Prichard is a yellow-bellied guy; it’s no use giving him tough assignments. No one else wanted it, so I bought it for a song.


We were as warm as toast by the side of the fire. Yes, this diamond is genuine good as gold.
Well, I believe it’s time to call a spade a spade. We are just avoiding the issue.

The nuts and bolts of the research were carefully discussed by the student and his mentor.

The building project came to a dead end. Jeremy has known about my problems all along.


She hardly ever speaks to anyone. She’s a cold fish. We were asked to bring the baker's dozen of eggs. A splendid, barbaric ceremony's in full swing.

Bill is a babe in the woods when it comes to dealing with plumbers.




She’s never serious. She’s always cracking jokes. Let's take the airs, I need some minutes to relax. I’m sorry that you broke your bicycle, Tom. But there is nothing that can be done now. She has gone again, just like that. Don’t cry over spilled milk.


The boy was seriously injured and badly needed artificial respiration. If you are uncertain about something, it’s always wise to take a wait-and-see attitude. I was so frightened I broke out in a cold sweat. He missed the exam. He’s a dead duck. Go away! Stop bugging me!


Ever since his w ife le ft him, Joe’s been ac ting as crazy as a betsy bug. The old man’s senile, but his wife is as sharp as a razor. William is always short of money because he spends a lot of time with a one-armed bandit. Don't trust him, he always goes back from his word.

This particular car is the cream of the crop. The sunrays came over her beautiful face now and again and made it even more delicate. "No kidding, is Simon really going to buy a Jaguar?"
With the holiday season at hand, everyone is very excited.


Rick is aware of the fact that he is but a little frog in a big pond in this huge company.
Jack waited with bated breath for the results of his medical tests. My father tried to teach me about the birds and the bees. Tom is mad at Jane because she double-crossed him on the sale of his car.


It is all over with him. Going to Hawaii is like a dream come true. Through all my troubles, my husband has been as true as steel. This idea came out of the blue, and I think it is a good one.
Joe’s new camera just vanished into thin air and was never seen again. It’s good that she’s down-to-earth and will give us a frank response.


They prayed that their uncle would rest in peace after he recently passed away. Jane takes a lot of medicine to cure her asthma; I am afraid she might develop another illness from the medicine and will thus be caught in a vicious circle.


When Ann got fired, she had to start all over again at the bottom of the ladder. Buying a car without test-driving it is like buying a pig in a poke. I’d like to put the rugs outside to air them out. Helen's room was always in an apple-pie order


I lucked out with the railway tickets and was able to get good seats in the train. Mike is neither fish nor fowl, and he doesn't really fit into any of the student groups. He had many affairs before his marriage with Jill. After the exams all my hopes to enter the university turned to dust and ashes.


The golf club is very exclusive. They don’t let any Tom, Dick, and Harry join. Everyone was surprised at the results of the election. The dark horse won.


Bill wouldn’t help me with my homework. He’s just a fair-weather friend.

Mr. Smith was always badmouthing Mrs. Smith. They didn’t get along. Our old dog is deaf as a post and he can’t see much either. Sally is a real ball of fire—she works late every night.
When I got back from the sales meeting, I took two days to write bread-and-butter letters to the people I met.

In our family the mother carries the bag. I believe my landlady prefers for me to butter her up rather than getting the rent on time. The criminal was suspected of being armed and dangerous.

Tom is so betwixt and between about getting married. I don’t think he’s ready.


The entire audience burst out laughing at exactly the wrong time, and so did the actors. The boys played a real down-and-dirty trick on the teacher. Stop arguing! You have won your point. You are just beating a dead horse. I appreciate your kindness; you did above and beyond to help me. Some interesting facts about your past have just come to light. John works like a horse and eats like a horse, so he never gets fat.



Your answer is as right as rain. This is the most important part of the story, but I think most of the students have missed the point. He appeared quite healthy at first glance.
I'd like to see a baby moon one day. "This is a fine kettle of fish. What will we do without the water in our house? Here’s to the bride and groom. Bottoms up! There were twelve people all in all at the parents’ meeting that day.

I decided not to buy that house because it looked as old as the hills. Jane adores her baby car.


Stop beating around the bush and answer my question. Mary was a bundle of nerves until she heard that she passed the test. Taking food to a farmer is like carrying coals to Newcastle.
He was last but not least in his attempt to improve the situation. You can eat anything you want at will.


Tutoring students in the evening is too much of a busman’s holiday for our English teacher.
If you don’t buckle down to your job, you’ll be fired. The room had the dead air, because all windows were closed. I hate getting up early; I am not an early bird, I must confess. It was a rude awakening for her to know that her husband betrayed their love.


The party came to an end at midnight. I am so anxious for my birthday to come. I just can’t wait. It was all set and we decided to start on our journey. He was cheesed off with his job.
Jane was going to go parachuting with us, but she chickened out at the last minute. It was his zero hour.

You are dancing with death in your effort to cross that narrow ledge. We don’t worry about death until the eleventh hour. Here, take this $100 as a token of my appreciation. We found his deception a bitter pill to swallow.



This is a difficult problem. You’d need to be as wise as Solomon to be able to solve it
I didn’t want to go to the doctor, but I bit the bullet and went. “It is all to the good that you walked out on your boy friend”, my mother said. Despite all Acts of God, we continue to destroy our planet. This rule is as easy as ABC.

Wow, look at Sally! She’s really dressed to kill. Why should a little plastic part cost an arm and a leg? Bill was a lady’s man, and like all such men he was vain and conscious of his charm for the opposite sex.


The house is half-built. It’s too late to hire a different architect. You can’t change horses in the middle of the stream. He was taken aback by the cost of the repairs.
The man was quick on the draw; he drew a gun and began shooting. Ron is a loudmouth; he is also noisy and boastful.


What the matter with you? You have such an acid look. Sally picked four names at random from the telephone book. Please close the window or we’ll all catch cold.
The red car caught up with the blue one.


Do not get involved with politics. That’s borrowing trouble. They changed the subject suddenly when the person whom they had been discussing entered the room. Little Sam broke a cup and his Mom said he was all thumbs. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin have been at loggerheads for years.
I’ll be home for the holidays, come what may.


Her little son is the apple of her eye. Julia stretched the upholstery fabric over the seat of the chair until it was as tight as a drum. I wanted to calm him down, but my words only added fuel to the fire. My brother doesn't touch alcohol, he is a sportsman.



The question of opening a casino was raised and was immediately voted down. John had no access to Xfiles. While traveling in Africa, Herbert was infected with a strange disease and died in the prime of life. That’s a great tradition—comfortable as an old shoe.

Sally was as sick as a dog and couldn’t go to the party. I dropped a glass and broke it to pieces.


He is English to the backbone. If you think I’m the guilty person, you’re barking up the wrong tree. He is a bad egg, he should be sent to the prison long ago. Yellow journalism is hardly ever really and truly informative.


Sorry, we don’t accept credit cards. This is strictly cash-and-carry. The athlete was strong as a horse. He could lift his own weight with just one hand. Sam is not at all an eager beaver; he hates hard work.


My nephew is as sly as a fox. My uncle was a dyed-in-the-wool farmer. He wouldn’t change for anything. Guess who I bumped into downtown today? Dinner’s ready, Tom Their new house will cost them an arm and a leg.



This book is more of a coffee-table book than an art book. I prefer something more scholarly.
After the last notes of her song, the audience burst into tears, such was its beauty and tenderness.


Jane is very slim because she eats like a bird. “It’s nice of you to ask me out to dinner,” she said, “but could we make it a Dutch treat?” The house was burned to ashes. The company had to give Deputy Mayor a kickback in order to win the market .


The young man was pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room. The two of them were chatting merrily and I felt as if I were the odd man out in their company. We were about to leave the house when it started to rain.


After the injury the figure skater has been training very hard in order to make a comeback. I thought the car would be filthy, but it was as clean as a whistle.
Forget him once and for all.



Mommy! John is calling me names again! Please don’t talk about me behind my back. Just between you, me, and the lamppost, Fred is leaving school. I don’t know how to thank you. I’m grateful beyond words. When the little boy fell out of the window, the bushes broke his fall. The President appealed to reason but all in vain.



Universities are not quiet peaceful places. It’s dog-eat-dog to get a promotion. Bill, you cannot go out and play until you’ve done the dishes. Sit down and dig in.

ÄÒ: îáùàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ, ðåãèñòðàöèÿ